Abridge Village Church
The Chase, London Road, Abridge, Essex, RM4 1XA
Find out how it all started here:-
The church began when Herbert White and a Christian colleague arrived in the village from Woodford by means of a horse-drawn engineer’s wagon in 1924. Among the words on the side of the wagon were "God is love". Open air meetings were held, and then a Sunday School and prayer meetings. There was so much interest that in 1926 he purchased the field on which the church now stands and had the church built.
The full name of the church is Abridge Village Church, and for many years it was part of a group of non-conformist churches, Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches. At the same time it worked whenever possible with the Anglican Church in the village (and parish) sharing services, Bible studies, and starting the village magazine
The first pastor was Herbert White, and although there have been a number of pastors since, Victor White (his son) and Keith White (his grand-son) have been both pastors and trustees of the church.
During the Second World War, the church hall (since demolished) was used as a canteen for service personnel; and later the magazine, Link Up was assembled there. The church has always sought to combine words and actions, and to serve Jesus Christ by being like salt and light in the village of Abridge.
Abridge Village Church is a registered charity
Charity Number: 1164783